Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Stages of Life

The reality of life hurts,

      1.       As a child, you will fall down and hurt yourself
      2.       As a school kid, you will have no best friend
      3.       As a teenager, you will have some fucked up hormonal and emotional swings
      4.       As a late teenager, you will be used and dumped
      5.       As a mature adult, you will work your ass off day and night
      6.       As a mother, you will give up so many things just to stay home and make it a home
      7.       As a father, you will work so hard to provide for your family
      8.       As a sister, you will have endless arguments about silly things with your siblings
      9.       As a wife/husband, you will have to make many sacrifices
      10.   As an old person, you will be bored of life

 But there’s always a “but”

      1.       But later on, you will show off your scar and remember how you stayed strong through it all.
      2.       But, you will have a group of friends with whom you play “mud”.
      3.       But, you will always remember your first crush.
      4.       But, you will never realise how you’ve probably done the same to someone else.
      5.       But, the money is so totally worth it.
      6.       But, it is worth it when your husband and kids say, “Oh what lovely sambar mom!”
      7.       But, it is worth it when your kids grow up and are a success thanks to your education.
      8.       But, it’s the advice sessions that really count!
      9.       But, these sacrifices are what make it work.
      10.   But, you’ll learn to reflect upon the last 9 points of your life and accept that fact that “Life is good. I have lived my life.”

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